The modern workplace has pivoted away from in-office settings to remote and hybrid work models. As a result of this exponential rise in the number of remote employees, the IT infrastructures of enterprises need a major overhaul to maintain robust security.
Firewalls, both in the case of on-premise and cloud based environments, have served as effective “gatekeepers” for enterprise networks and IT infrastructures. Well past the mid of year 2022, it appears that the adoption of firewall solutions will retain a strong momentum.
This was revealed in a recent study conducted by a company called Global Market Vision. The report has been dubbed as “Next Generation Firewall Solution Market”, and takes into account the future outlook of the firewall solutions out there.
According to the report, there will be a rapid surge in the adoption of “next generation firewall solutions” by enterprises. The report duly takes into account the impact of contemporary technologies like Zero Trust Network Architectures (ZTNA).
However, as per the report, protecting the outermost perimeter of the enterprise network and other digital assets is equally important. In today’s hostile cyber security environment, nothing can be left to chance.
Enterprises just cannot afford any malware, virus, or ransomware etc. to infiltrate the outermost perimeter of the enterprise network, and then be addressed by internal security controls. In fact, the internal security controls tend to act as an additional safety barrier.
The research report also highlighted the preparedness and suitability of next generation firewalls to integrate with Cloud Computing environments. This capability of these firewall solutions is adding a whole market segment of enterprises that have embraced the Cloud.
In the conclusion part, the research report on next generation firewall solutions points out two important things to consider. The first element is the proper configuration of cyber security tools, whether it is firewalls or any other security mechanism.
The other really important element that greatly enhances the efficacy of cyber security solutions, like firewalls, is employee sensitization and training. The report emphasizes that businesses need to invest time and resources in such employee training initiatives.
It is quite evident from this recent report on next generation firewall solutions that organizations will aggressively adopt these solutions to bolster their cyber security posture, especially around the outer most perimeter of the enterprise network.