June 5th of each year marks the celebration of World Environment Day. The theme for year 2020 is “Biodiversity” and it is perhaps the best time to sit back and take account of our actions towards preserving the environment and improving biodiversity.
When we talk of the environment as a whole, every individual living on the face of this earth is a stakeholder and must play the part, no matter how small. It is only through a spirit of collective ownership that we will truly be able to protect our environment.
However, when we talk of big corporations or businesses across the globe, they clearly have a much bigger responsibility towards the environment. The actions of a single large corporation may have more weightage than those of thousands of individuals.
dinCloud is ranked among the leading Cloud Service Providers (CSP) in the cloud industry. The company has always maintained a responsible attitude towards protecting and preserving the environment.
The global data centers of dinCloud comply with some of the best international standards for environmental friendliness. On top of that, the innovative and smart cloud solutions offered by us contribute towards drastically reducing e-waste.
IT-related hardware becomes obsolete at a very rapid pace. For this very reason, companies have to regularly phase out their IT hardware and replace it with the latest technology to extract optimal performance.
With dinCloud’s leading cloud-hosted solutions such as Hosted Virtual Desktops (dinHVD), Servers, and Database Management Solutions, regular replacement of your IT hardware is no more required.
When you transition to dinCloud’s state of the art cloud infrastructure, you will be utilizing the computing resources of our global data centers instead of your on-premise hardware. Our vast data centers simultaneously serve thousands of enterprises globally.
By using our cloud solutions, you can easily extend the lifespan of your otherwise obsolete IT hardware, without compromising the least bit on performance. In this way, dinCloud is playing its part in reducing global e-waste levels and improving the environment.
Preserving the environment should not be a choice, rather we should consider it an obligation towards our coming generations. Every member of dinCloud strives to act in an environmentally responsible manner, regardless of role or position.
Let’s make this World a Better Place for our Future Generations, together!
dinCloud wishes you all a Happy World Environment Day!