dinCloud’s chief security officer Garret Grajek was recently featured in a Virtualization Review article for his 2015 predictions. In the feature, Grajek reflects on the industry’s acceptance of hosted virtual desktops in 2014 and how the important breakthrough helped enterprises and users overcome common pain points with provisioning, manageability and security. Grajek predicts that the move to the cloud will be driven by how much freedom users have over devices for VDI platforms, expecting greater growth in thin client use and Google Chrome extensions.
The article goes on to forecast that “2015 will be the year for DaaS, cloud growth and adoption. The technologies exist, but the challenge (and opportunity) will be for vendors to put together a complete package for their users.”
Read the complete feature on 2015 virtualization predictions from Virtualization Review, and keep up with Grajek’s latest articles on dinCloud’s blog.