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Don’t Think Twice

When your reputation is on the line, and the media reaches out to you to see if you want to be put into a head-to-head comparison against the best of your peers, you have to think twice.

When they tell you they only want a welcome email, and you cannot ask questions, nor can you see the results until they are published to the public, you wonder if you are crazy for signing up.

But when you get emails in the morning, the day of the publication, showing you have NO cons, and received the highest score – you bask in pride, because you know you have a solid product.

Network World Gives dinCloud Highest Rating

dinCloud is extremely proud that it not only was chosen to be rated among the top 5 hosted virtual desktop providers (also known as DaaS or desktop as a service providers), but that it got the highest marks among its very capable peers.

Read the Article

On behalf of dinCloud, we’d like to thank Tom Henderson with ExtremeLabs and Network World for holding this benchmark of the top DaaS providers.

You can see the original article on Network World, which has nearly 2 million monthly viewers, at:

Or on these other sites as well:

For more information on our Desktop as a Service, please visit our Hosted Virtual Desktop page or request information to speak with a cloud specialist.